Year 6 did an amazing job responding to the abstract art work of artist Fiona Rae
During today’s Gymnastics lesson Year 5 explored headstands and baby headstands. We used spots to help us create our triangles and practiced untucking against a wall before progressing and seeing if we could complete a headstand freely.
Another full Little Liturgy club today.
A beautiful worship in Year 4 led by some of our children.
Year 4 learnt with increasing detail and accuracy the religious signs and actions of the mass in RE.
Year 1 have been answering questions about Anna & Simeon in our Presentation Kahoot quiz.
A great message in today’s open the book assembly about not giving in to pressure and having the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Thank you for sharing that special message with us and for the children who participated.
Year 4 were working hard on their times tables this morning trying to win their battle! Look out for our next battle !